Dr Sreenivasan was one of the 72 new members, whose election was announced by NAS.
'Alas, in this scheme there is nothing to stop the black money flows of the future.' 'On the contrary Modi has sown the seeds of more, through the issue of Rs 2,000 notes.' 'But have you heard one politician decrying this aspect of the scheme?' 'They must be secretly rejoicing that while Modi is taking away their past, he has not shut the door on their future,' says banker S Muralidharan.
'One per cent of wealthy people have been handed over 99 per cent of our nation's resources. The rest are mute, helpless and very frightened spectators to this loot.'
There are times when a customer books a cab and is charged for the ride, but the driver doesn't show up. It is one of the many hacks that cab drivers use.
Saundarya Rajesh has helped more than 8,000 women get back to work.
'I have never got special treatment. My school and hostel was free for everyone, not just me. The training that I get in school is given to everyone, not just me. I want to be a sportsperson and go to the Olympics. I want to represent India there. But I am not training now.' India's youngest marathon runner Budhia Singh looks back at his success.
Making information available to all will solve only part of the problem. The biggest problem is a complete lack of understanding of mutual funds.
And here's how not to make them...
However, he refrained from speaking on Mexican immigrants and also declined to repeat his frequent promise to force Mexico to pay for the wall.
'Himalayan glaciers are expected to become smaller, and small glaciers will have disappeared, but by no means will all glaciers have melted by the end of the 21st century,' glaciologist Markus Stoffel tells Rashme Sehgal.
Scrabble's unique business model gives a new direction to India's digital cinema market.
Innovations are happening first in the poor countries and then they are migrating to advanced nations, says Vijay Govindarajan.
'Naik is an outcome of an image-centric Islam, which is linked to the technological changes introduced by new media.' 'English educated upper middle class Muslims embraced Naik's image-centric Islam in the 1990s.' 'Television converted him into a religious object.'
Some officials, I am told, do not even have an email address and for them, papers placed on a cardboard file and wrapped in the horizontal four-inch flaps and a thread are quite the official thing. An email which demands quick attention can stare him/her in the face unlike a file that can pile up with others on some remote shelf in the office, sometimes almost forgotten.
Easy usage, no-maintenance claim draw consumers to these desktop alternatives.
'We had a great product for the global market and we could sell it globally resulting in this amazing growth.' 'When customers come online and buy a product, they don't look at whether it is created in India or somewhere else.'
An alternative to oil? Check. Completely green? Check. Economical? Check. So why has the entrepreneur been sued, pilloried, and lampooned?
'India may be new to world politics and her military strength insignificant in comparison with that of the giants of our epoch.' 'But India is old in thought and experience and has travelled through trackless centuries in the adventure of life.' 'Throughout her long history she has stood for peace and every prayer that an Indian raises, ends with an invocation to peace.' Jawaharlal Nehru's memorable speech to the United States Congress.
Even the big and eager will find it quite a mouthful.
The global recession is beginning to seriously hurt international migration, and many migrants are forced to go home again.
China's reported move to construct two more nuclear power plants in Pakistan was expected to be discussed at the 46-member Nuclear Supplies Group's five-day meeting at Christchurch, New Zealand last month.
The global economic downturn made 2008 an unforgettable year.
When it comes to schools, there are no quick fixes, discovers Bill Gates.
On April 2, World Autism Day, Ajit Narayanan explains how Avaz has transformed the lives of many autistic children across the world.
Inrix navigation software gets its predictions about traffic congestion down to a science.
Ankoosh Mehta, Solicitor, author and a black belt in Taekwondo talks about opportunities for young law school graduates and about his recently published book on law.
Gullible bank customers are getting fooled by callers who scare or lure them.